Mountain-South Mountain

Sunday School

Sunday School is available for young children during the 9:30 a.m. service.

United Church Women (UCW)

This active group organizes annual fund raisers such as a pancake supper and a fish dinner as well as a Christmas tea and bake sale. In addition, they provide lunches for local funeral homes and support several local charities including Rideau Hill Camp, Camp Awesome, Naomi House and the United Church Mission and Service Fund. For more information, please contact Charlene McCargar at 613-989-5569 or Eileen Webb at 613-989-5511.

The Men’s Breakfast Club

Jeans, plaid shirts, and whiskers welcomed! The men of the "4 United Churches" gather for breakfast and fellowship on the second Saturday of the month at 7:30 a.m. For more information contact Rev. Blair Paterson at 613-989-3321.


Music is an important part of our weekly worship service. Our dedicated choir leads the congregation in a variety of music each week including gospel music, older hymns, and always learning the new hymns as well. This talented group, led by organist Jane Boyd, provides four-part harmony for the weekly choir selection. New members are always welcome and can contact Jane Boyd at 613-989-5378.

Camp Awesome Vacation Bible School

The camp runs for one week in July at the South Mountain Agricultural Hall. The cost is $55 per child with a maximum fee of $100 per family. To register contact Karen Paterson at 613-989-3321 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

South Mountain Gospel Singers

edf5665f9afe33fe0b6f4ef608aaae3b xahl diwxThe South Mountain Gospel Singers have been performing with various members over the last 25 years. Three of the original members are still with the group of five singers and a pianist.

The group sings its four-part harmony throughout eastern Ontario for various special events including church anniversaries and local fundraisers.

To book an engagement with the group, call Wayne Pitt at 613-258-5818 or Harry Castle at 613-448-3337.